Diagnostic Cardiology

Early detection of cardiac issues is imperative to your overall wellness. With this in mind, our board-certified specialists are skilled in providing the most advanced diagnostic tests and procedures. We also take the time to discuss the lifestyle changes that will help prevent or slow the progression of these conditions.

Our Diagnostic Cardiology Services

Our board certified cardiologists have extensive experience providing a wide range of diagnostic procedures, including the following:

Echocardiography: Using high-frequency sound waves, our team will assess the function of the chambers and valves of the heart. We provide transesophageal echocardiography and stress echocardiography to develop a greater understanding of the patient’s heart.

Stress Test: Exercise stress tests, or chemical stress tests (for patients who cannot exercise), offer a noninvasive method to evaluate the function of the heart and coronary artery circulation. To assess blood flow to heart muscles, a patient’s heart rate is increased by walking on a treadmill, or with chemicals, and then monitored. Stress tests can be combined with echocardiography or nuclear imaging.

Nuclear Stress Test: If our team suspects you are experiencing coronary artery disease, we may use a stress test with a nuclear tracer to assess resting heart blood flow. Initially, a small portion of radioactive dye is injected into your bloodstream. Next, you undergo exercise or a chemical stress test, and a second dose of radioactive isotope is injected into the bloodstream. This technology helps to identify significant coronary artery narrowing (greater than 70 percent narrowing) with high accuracy. Our nuclear camera offers upright imaging in a chair, which is more comfortable for patients than imaging while lying flat.

Vascular Doppler Studies: Ultrasonography measures blood flow, vessel diameter, and clot location using sound waves. This non-invasive test employs Doppler ultrasound techniques to study patients without the risks and discomfort associated with injections and other invasive procedures. Most vascular disorders can be tested and diagnosed using this non-invasive technique.

Holter Monitor: Holter monitors are worn on a belt or in your pocket and feature electrode patches that are placed on the chest. The machine records heartbeat and heart rhythm continuously for a full day to aid in the diagnosis of rhythm disorders. When the 24-hour period is complete, the patient removes the electrode patches and delivers the device to the doctor’s office for analysis. Once the electrode patches are disconnected, the Holter monitor stops recording. From there, we are able to measure the performance of your heart rhythm.

Peripheral Arterial Testing: Using a series of tests, our team will determine whether peripheral artery disease is present. Our screening process involves some combination of physical exams, ankle-brachial indexing, ultrasound, and angiography.